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A special diet for people with blood type B, with a weight loss system

 A special diet for people with blood type B, with a weight loss system

Blood type diet with weight loss program “B”


This blood type appeared in the Himalayas Which is part of Pakistan and India, and the first people to carry the “B” blood group were the inhabitants of India. The owners of this type followed a nutritional method based on collecting and raising animals, and this was the opposite of their diet based on meat and milk products. The owners of this type are characterized by absorbing any change and adapting. With the new climates and the mixing of peoples that occurred in this era, modern Indians maintain the highest percentage of blood type “B” in the world. Each type has characteristics and characteristics that will remain engraved in the nucleus of every cell of our bodies forever and ever so that we can pass them on to our children and grandchildren.

What are the most important characteristics of this species?!

• Balance between animal foods and plant foods. Their response to psychological pressure and creative works. • They need balance They combine their physical and intellectual activity to remain slim and active. They have a strong immune system. Their food choices are the most flexible. They are able to consume milk and its derivatives.

The system of the “B” species

The “B” species can be described as distinct, and possessing a unique characteristic, but it sometimes transforms in something similar to a change in Chameleon colors: We can say that type “B” represents a complex and improved version of blood types. People with type “B” are active and are generally able to resist a large number of serious diseases associated with modern life, such as heart disease and cancer, and they have a great chance of surviving these diseases. In the event that they become infected with it. Although this species is characterized by a strong immune system, capable of confronting invaders from various germs, they suffer from the fragility of their internal systems, which exposes them to lupus, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid disease (autoimmune diseases). The diet of this species. B is balanced and beneficial; Because it includes a variety of foods: it includes the best of the animal world, and the best of the plant world. Type “B” is considered a balance between type “O” and type “A”.

What about meat with blood type “B” and what types of it are appropriate?!

An important note that we should note with people with this type: There is a direct link between the incidence of autoimmune diseases and exposure to psychological stress, and eating red beef for type B. If you feel exhausted, or suffer from a defect in your immune system, you should avoid eating red beef, and replace it with eating goat, sheep, or rabbit meat. Several times a week, this meat is better for you than beef and turkey. What about chicken meat?! The answer to this question may not comfort many owners of this species who love to eat chicken..!! Chicken meat is not preferred for owners of this species.” B..; it contains lectins that make blood cells of the “B” group stick together and clump), and these lectins are found in the muscle tissue of chicken meat, but if you are accustomed to eating poultry meat more than red meat, it is better to eat another type of poultry meat. : Such as roosters and turkeys, as they do not contain these dangerous lectins.

Very useful meats:

•Lamb meat - rabbit meat

Harmless meats:

•Lamb meat - goat meat - meat Deer.• Beef - minced beef.• Turkey meat - turkey meat. Buffalo meat.• Veal meat - liver meat. Goose meat - quail meat. Chicken meat - gambon - pastrami.


•Duck meat.

Is fish a food compatible with people with type “B” blood?

Fish is a very beneficial food for type “B” blood, especially fatty blue fish. Which live in deep waters, such as mackerel, whale, cod, and salmon; They are fish rich in nutritious oils. People with type B will find white fish such as flounder, halibut and plaice a good source of high-quality protein. People with type B should avoid crustaceans; It contains lectin that harms the health of type B.

Very useful fish and sea animals:

• Cod, plaice, sardines, flounder, sea perch, caviar, haddock, mackerel, hake, halibut.

Harmless fish and seafood:

• Abalone - salmon. • Carp (river) - tuna. • Silver perch - herring (fresh). • Sensitive fish (river) - Perch.• Herring (pickled) - Snapper.• White dolphin fish - Yellow perch.• Red snapper - Squid.


• Anchovies - prawns. Snail - dolphin fish - crab - lobster. Yellowtail fish - blue sea bass. • Smoked salmon - shells. • Ear oysters - octopus - eel. .• Lobster (crab). Angry fish.

To what extent is milk and its derivatives compatible with people of this type?!

People of type “B” are the only ones among other types who can fully enjoy it. By eating a variety of foods made from milk. This is due to the fact that the sugar that makes up the antigen in type B blood is galactosamine - It is the same sugar found in milk: (meaning that milk sugar is compatible with this species). Species of Asian origin are excluded; They may have trouble accepting foods made from milk. Not because their body rejects it, but because their own culture resists it. It has become entrenched in the minds of Asians that milk and its derivatives are the food of barbarians, and therefore not fit to eat. This belief continues to this day, despite the fact that a large number of Asians have blood type “B,” and their diet is... Relying on soy greatly harms their health. A large number of Africans suffer from an intolerance to lactose, which is the sugar found naturally in milk. By Asians, we mean the people of East Asia (Japan - China - Thailand...).

What can you do if you are lactose intolerant (milk sugar)?

Start by taking a preparation of lactase yeast; It will enable you to digest foods made from milk. Then, after you follow the type B diet for several weeks, start introducing milk and its derivatives into your food. It is preferable to start eating fresh local cheese or sour milk products. Such as yogurt; Your body can tolerate these products more than fresh milk derivatives, such as whole milk and cheese made from milk cream. It has been shown that people with type “B” who do not tolerate milk were often able to eat it and its derivatives after they corrected the problems in their general diet. It is often recommended for people with type B who do not tolerate milk to eat it and its derivatives. This type prefers to eat foods made from soy rather than milk and its derivatives. If you are a type “B” group, you can eat foods made from soy, knowing that soy products do not provide type B with the same nutritional benefits that they give type “A”.

Very useful cheeses and milks:

• My country’s cheese (cottage cheese). Skimmed yogurt. • Yoghurt with fruit - feta cheese. Fat-free or 2% fat ricotta. • Frozen yoghurt - goat cheese - goat milk / yoghurt. Ziadi. Mozzarella cheese.

Harmless cheeses and dairy:

• Gouda cheese - cheddar - Swiss cheese. Butter - buttermilk (what remains after removing the butter from it). • Double cream cheese - Muenster - milk protein (casein). • Flavored cheeses - Soy milk - soy cheese (tofu).• Whey - whole milk.


•American cheese - ice cream. •Blue cheese - Roquefort cheese - Shella cheese.

Are oils and fats beneficial for people with type B?!

Olive oil is considered one of the best oils for this type because it helps them digest properly. And to get rid of toxins; I advise this type to consume a tablespoon of olive oil at least once a day. I advise those with type B to avoid sesame, sunflower, and corn oils because they contain lectins that harm their digestive system.

Very useful oils:

• Olive oil. • Harmless oils: • Cod liver oil - rapeseed oil - linseed oil.


• Canola oil - safflower oil. • Corn oil - sesame oil - sunflower oil. • Cotton seed oil - peanut oil.

Can people with type B eat nuts and seeds freely?!

Most types of nuts and seeds are not compatible with people with type B, so They advise against eating it; Sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, and others contain lectins that affect the body’s production of the hormone insulin.

Harmless nuts and seeds:

• Almond nuts - chestnuts. • Almonds - walnuts - pistachios. • Brazil nuts - walnuts.


• Cashew nuts - pistachio nuts - hazelnuts. • Sunflower nuts - pumpkin seeds. Pine nuts - sunflower seeds - pistachios. Sesame - peanuts - tahini.

Is eating cereal a problem for people with type “B” blood?!

People with type “B” blood can eat some types of grains and legumes However, many types of grains, such as lentils, large (large) chickpeas, all kinds of cowpeas, red-striped pink Spanish beans, and kidney-shaped green beans, all contain lectin that affects insulin production. Asians with blood type “B” can tolerate legumes and grains better. Of the other people who belong to the “13” group, because they have been accustomed to eating it for a long time, but even Asians are supposed to be satisfied with certain types of these foods, and to eat only what is very beneficial for them, and only from time to time.

Pills And very useful legumes:

Red kidney beans. Small white kidney beans. Small green beans.

Harmless grains and legumes:

Green beans - red kidney beans. Broad kidney beans - dry beans. •Fava beans. Soybeans - green beans. Cowpeas. White broad beans. Green peas - pea pods.


Yellow lentils - Abu Jebba lentils. Mexican black beans. Red lentils - chickpeas (large bean). Spanish fava beans. Small white beans with black dots.

Do people with type B blood accept wheat and flour easily? What about rice?!

Most people with blood type B are incompatible with wheat; Wheat contains lectin that sticks to insulin receptors in fat cells, and prevents insulin from sticking to these receptors, and the result is a decrease in the effectiveness of insulin. Corn and buckwheat are considered among the most common causes of weight gain in type B, as they contribute more than any other food to slowing down the process of weight gain. Metabolism, insulin dysfunction; They lead to water retention in the body and a feeling of extreme fatigue. Barley is also not compatible with this type because it contains lectins that settle in the vascular system, and may lead to blood disorders and brain accidents. As for rice, pasta, and oats, they are foods that are compatible with those with type “B,” but The advice is not to overeat. Nutritional balance is the key to good health for people with type B. So they have to eat different types of grains.

Wheat and rice are very useful:

•Oat flour - rice - rice flour.•Oat bran - rice bran.•Oat flour.

Wheat and rice are not harmful:

• Soy flour bread. • Wheat and barley muesli. • Semolina pasta. • Whole wheat flour with bran. • Pasta made from whole wheat. • Pasta made from whole wheat and spinach. • Flour White wheat, basmati rice, white rice, brown rice.


• Buckwheat. Wild rice. Bulgur - Couscous. • Corn flour - pasta - artichokes. Durum wheat flour - gluten. Barley - wheat bran. • Wheat germ. • Whole wheat and its baked goods.

Are vegetables beneficial for this type?!

People with type “B” can find many types of vegetables that benefit and nourish them; Therefore, they should benefit from it as much as possible, and eat a sufficient amount of it daily. As for the vegetables that people with type “B” should avoid, they are very few. As will become clear in the following paragraphs, you must completely eliminate eating tomatoes from your diet: Tomatoes, as we previously mentioned, are a unique type of vegetable that contains lectins that can make the cells of all blood types bond together. The effect of tomato lectin on type O and type AB is relatively weak. But the “B” and “A” types suffer from a violent reaction to this lectin, often in the form of irritation in the stomach lining. They also excluded corn from the list of beneficial foods, because it contains lectins that negatively affect insulin secretion and slow down metabolism. As we mentioned previously, also avoid olives, because the mold that grows on them can cause you to have an allergy. You should eat green leafy vegetables that are very rich in magnesium, an important mineral that fights viral infections, noting that type B is more susceptible than others to viral infections and autoimmune diseases. It should be noted here that magnesium helps children who belong to the “type” group and who suffer from eczema recover from this skin disease. Unlike other blood types, you can enjoy eating potatoes of all kinds: regular and sweet. In short, the plant world is your loyal friend.

Very useful vegetables:

•Beets - turnips - beet leaves. Green kidney beans - yellow peppers. Sweet potatoes - broccoli - shiitake mushrooms.. • Cabbage of all kinds. • Mustard leaves - potatoes of all kinds. - Parsley. Green hot and sweet peppers - Cayenne pepper. Red hot and sweet peppers. • Cauliflower - Parsnips - Carrots. Eggplant.

Harmless vegetables:

• Watercress - lion's teeth - asparagus. Dill - bamboo shoots - Chinese chard. • Celery - fennel - spiral fern. French parsley - garlic - chicory. Ginger - horse radish - cucumber. Watermelon cabbage. Japanese sweet radish - leeks - red potatoes - potatoes. Lettuce of all kinds - green onions - seaweed. Andalusian leeks - spinach - okra. Red onions. Spanish onions - lighat. Yellow onions - French zucchini.


•Artichokes - black olives. Radishes. Other types - Taro. Green olives - Avocado - Greek olives. White corn - Spanish olives - Yellow corn. •Pumpkin - Tofu - Tomatoes

Are fruits the most beneficial foods for people with type B blood?!

The types of fruits that people with type B blood should avoid are very few, and they can be replaced Easily ; Such as persimmons, pomegranates, and pears. Pineapple is very useful for those who belong to type B, who are susceptible to bloating, especially if they are not accustomed to eating dairy, cheese, and meat. Pineapple contains the enzyme bromelain, which helps digest food easily. In short, you can choose whatever fruits you like from the lists that we will show you, and people with type “B” have a very balanced digestive system. In terms of acidity and alkalinity; This allows them to eat fruits that are considered too sour for other types. Try to eat one or two fruits daily that are very beneficial for you to benefit from their medical benefits that are appropriate for your blood type.

Very useful fruits:

•Banana - papaya - bearberry - black dried plums. •Black grapes - green dried plums - green grapes. Red dried plums. Red grapes.

Harmless fruits:

• Apples - guava - peaches - apricots. • Kiwi - raisins - berries - oranges. • Raspberries - sour cherries - dates. • Mango - cantaloupe of all kinds - dried figs. Red watermelon. - Fresh figs - Orange. Pears - Grapefruit - Guava.

What types of juice and liquids are allowed for blood type “B”?!

People with blood type “B” can drink most types of fruit juice And vegetables. If they want to prepare a special juice to strengthen their immune and nervous systems, I advise them to prepare and drink the following drink every morning before eating. Mix a tablespoon of flax seed oil, a tablespoon of excellent quality lecithin granules, and two hundred grams of fruit juice. Mix this mixture well. And drink it. Lysine is a type of fat that we find in animal and plant products. It is able to stimulate the metabolism and immune system. You can find lecithin granules in stores that sell healthy products and foods, and in some supermarkets.


•Coconut, rhubarb, persimmons (kharma) - pomegranate - aloe vera

Very useful types of juice:

• Cabbage juice - cranberry juice. • Papaya juice - pineapple juice

Harmless types of juice:

• Apple juice - cherry juice. • Water with a little lemon juice. • Apricot juice - cucumber juice. • Vegetable juice beneficial for type “B”: • Celery juice - orange juice - Peach juice.


• Tomato juice.

Various drinks

It is preferable for those with type B to limit themselves to compatible herbal drinks, green tea and juice.

Should people of this type avoid drinking tea and coffee?

Coffee and black tea do not harm people of this type, but try to replace them with green tea, which is devoid of caffeine, but provides you with the benefits of antioxidants that it contains, and improves your performance. To the maximum extent.

Very useful drinks:

Green tea.

Harmless drinks:

• Decaffeinated coffee. Caffeine-free black tea. • Regular coffee - regular black tea.


Soda, cola, diet soft drinks, other soft drinks.

What type of herbs and plants are suitable for this type?!

The herbs and plants that are suitable for type "B" are those that give warmth: such as ginger. Curry and hot red pepper. The spices that you should avoid are sweet pepper and hot pepper, which contain lectins that are harmful to type B. On the other hand, sweet herbs can cause stomach irritation; Therefore, avoid sweeteners extracted from sprouted barley; and corn syrup; Cornstarch and cinnamon. White sugar and molasses are not harmful to the digestive system of type B. They can therefore eat these sugars, but in moderation. You can also eat quantities of chocolate, but consider it a dessert and not a staple food.

Very useful flavoring spices and herbs:

red cayenne pepper - ginger - curry - parsley.

Condiments, seasonings, flavoring herbs, and harmless sweeteners:

• Green garlic - star anise. Basil - coriander - carob. Chocolate - caraway. Parsley - orange - dill. • Cumin, red sugar, garlic. • Wild mint - white sugar - Honey. Sweet pepper - tamarind. Rosemary - thyme - vanilla - marjoram. Apple cider vinegar - mint - white balsamic vinegar - red vinegar. Molasses - soy sauce - white vinegar. Dried mustard - nutmeg - sweet red pepper. .


• Seven spices - gelatin - almond extract. Ground black pepper - sprouted barley. White spice - cinnamon - cornstarch.

What about (sauces) for those with type B?

Type B can tolerate most types of sauces, except for foods that do not It provides you with a real benefit.

Harmless sauces:

Apple butter - mustard - salad dressings, sour pickles.



What are the most important medicinal herbs that are beneficial for people with type B?

People with type B benefit somewhat from herbs, and there are few of these herbs. Hurt them. People with type B are advised to take ginseng because it has a positive effect on the nervous system. Licorice is really beneficial for them, as it has antiviral properties and works to reduce their susceptibility to autoimmune diseases. In addition, a number of people with type B suffer from low blood sugar after eating (severe drop in blood sugar (hypoglycemia). Licorice helps control blood sugar levels. It has recently been discovered that licorice has a very effective benefit for people who suffer from diabetes. Symptoms of chronic fatigue.

Very useful medicinal herbs:

• Ginger - licorice. • Raspberry leaf - ginseng. Parsley - wild rose and hedge rose. • Peppermint - sage.

Harmless flowers:< /h4>Alfalfa - strawberry leaf. Burdock, green tea. Thyme - wild mint - hawthorn. Chamomile - raspberry - St.

• Hiphops - Cornflower - Aloe Vera. Linden - Senna (Senna). • Coltsfoot - Fenugreek - Rhubarb.

What is the role? What do nutritional supplements do for this type? What are the most important supplements for type B?

As we mentioned before with each type: The role that nutritional supplements play, whether it is improving the diet of the type, Note that it is a completely balanced diet. People with type B are considered special, if not lucky, as most of them can avoid the most common diseases when following their diet. Vitamins, minerals, or herbs, is to compensate for any deficiency in nutrients resulting from a defect in Your diet, and it also provides additional protection when you need it. As for the supplements that we mentioned here for type B, their goals are as follows: Improving the effectiveness of the insulin hormone in the body. Strengthening immunity against types of viral infections. Enhancing mental clarity and the ability to concentrate. Their diet is their own. It is rich in vitamins E, B, A, calcium and iron, so there is no need to take nutritional supplements of these vitamins and minerals. Owners of this species have the right to enjoy their unique situation, while fully adhering to their diet recommendations.

Useful nutritional supplements:


While species are at risk of developing a severe calcium deficiency, Type B is at risk of developing a severe deficiency of magnesium, which is the factor that stimulates the metabolic mechanism ( Converting nutrients into energy within cells and tissues) to work as it should for type B. It is a mineral that is as important as calcium, and it is what helps people with type B convert (convert) carbohydrates (sugars) more effectively than other types. It is preferable for people to take This species receives a nutritional supplement of magnesium to benefit their condition. But let them be aware that all types of magnesium can be beneficial, but the effect of magnesium citrate - a laxative for the stomach - is annoying to many, and to a greater extent than any other type. 300-500 mg of magnesium per day is sufficient... and if you take excessive doses of magnesium, this will affect. - In principle - on the levels of calcium in your body; Therefore, be sure to eat foods rich in calcium: such as fermented milk derivatives (cheese...)...the password here is “balance”!

Foods rich in magnesium that are beneficial for type “B”:

•Green leafy vegetables (Allowed) - Cereals and legumes.


Herbalists around the world use licorice widely: 1- It treats stomach ulcers. 2- It is an anti-herpes agent. 3- It prevents a sharp drop in blood sugar. However, licorice should be taken with caution. Intense ; Because its excess leads to the retention of sodium (salt) inside the body, and thus to high blood pressure. 4- It treats the symptoms of chronic fatigue. If your blood type is B and you suffer from a sharp drop in blood sugar after eating, drink a cup or two of licorice. After eating a meal. If you suffer from symptoms of chronic fatigue, I advise you to take a solution made from licorice, but under the supervision of a doctor.

Digestive enzymes:

If the person with blood type B is not accustomed to eating meat or dairy products; He may face some difficulties as he begins to adapt to his diet. To avoid this problem, he takes digestive enzymes with his main meals for a certain period, so he can get used to eating foods rich in proteins more easily. Bromelain is an enzyme we find in pineapples, and it is also available in the form of supplementary pills in pharmacies and centers selling health products. Herbs that help focus and stimulate memory. The best of these herbs are Siberian ginseng and Ginkgo bilobia, which are available in pharmacies and stores selling health products. Russian studies have proven that Siberian ginseng increases... The speed and accuracy of nerve cell communication, which then helps focus and stimulate memory. As for ginkgo, it is the best-selling drug in Germany. As more than five million people eat ginkgo daily: Ginkgo bean stimulates microcirculation in the brain, and for this reason it is often prescribed to elderly people, and science has recently recognized that it is a general tonic for the brain and a stimulant for the mind.


Lecithin is a blood tonic; It is available in soy, and it better protects the immune system. People with type B should seek to benefit from the benefits of lecithin granules, and not from soy itself. Because the concentration of lysine in soy is not sufficient alone to produce the desired effect.

Blood type “B” and the appropriate exercise for them

The appropriate exercise for those with type “B” is not very strenuous exercise, nor is it one that aims to provide sensation. With intellectual relaxation, rather, sports that achieve balance for blood type B are moderate physical activities in which other people participate, such as walking in a group, or taking group trips on bicycles, less violent martial arts, tennis, and aerobics classes. Exercise for type B will not benefit. Competitive sports: such as squash, basketball, and football. In order for the sports practiced by type B people to be effective, they must practice them three times a week, and they must also practice relaxation exercises twice a week.

How can people with type “B” blood lose weight?

The foods that most people with type “B” blood gain weight are: buckwheat, lentils, peanuts (slave pistachios), and sesame, for each Some of these foods contain different lectins, but they all slow down the metabolism, causing a feeling of fatigue, water retention in the body, a drop in blood sugar, and weight gain. People with type “B”, just like those with type “O”, show a negative reaction to food. Gluten, which they find in wheat germ (its nucleus) and products made from whole wheat: it slows down the metabolism process. When foods are not digested properly and are not burned as fuel for the body, the result is that they accumulate in the form of fat. And those with type “B” who want to lose weight. They should avoid eating wheat and its derivatives, of course. People with type “B” consuming excessive foods that generate a lot of calories will cause them to gain weight. As for consuming milk and its derivatives in moderation: it helps type “B” achieve metabolic balance. The real culprit is Certain foods prevent the body from using thermal energy effectively, and encourage it to store calories in the form of fat. Here is a list of the basic foods that affect the weight loss process in type B ...

A final word

Type “B” has a more flexible personality than type “O”, type “or type AB”, and type B is less susceptible to many diseases common to other types, so any person has a blood type “ “B” lives in a balanced way: He works, exercises, and eats in a balanced way. He carries within himself the essence of a human wrestler who is based on adversity in the struggle for survival. The “B” faction possesses the best qualities of the other factions; The owner of this type combines intellectual activity and the sensitive feeling of type “A” and active physical reactions as in type “O.” Perhaps we can say that type “B” belongs to several types of personalities and temperaments because it genetically enjoys inner harmony and calm. It makes them less inclined to respond and confront, and people with type B blood can understand the other’s point of view. One well-known statistic indicates the following fact: While only 9% of the population of the United States carries blood type B, 30% to 40% of all Self-made wealthy people have blood type “B”. It should be noted that most of the population of China, Japan, and many Asian societies have blood type “B”.
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